Time is Art : Synchronicity and the Collective Dream : Film & Talk

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BLOOM VICTORIA presents: TIME IS ART : Synchronicity and the Collective Dream

Bloom Victoria is delighted to present the Canadian Premiere of TIME IS ART. This documentary explores synchronicity as a portal to a new reality; perhaps we can tap into a way of being that is not ruled by a finite sense of time, but rather by the ability to live in harmony with the true creative nature of our existence. We will be joined by intuitive healer PENELOPE HAGAN of PENELOPE’S SPIRITUAL SERVICES, who will discuss cultivating, working with and grounding in synchronicity.

The documentary film follows Jennifer, a writer who is compelled to make sense of the mysterious and powerful energy she felt at her aunt’s deathbed. A series of strange coincidences leads her on an exploration of synchronicity – the concept that everything is interconnected, and that time is not so much a chronology as it is an infinite cycle. Considering herself something of a skeptic, she treads the fine line between nervous breakdown and ecstatic revelation as she seeks out guides in her search for answers. Together, they explore a reality where time is transformed from a unit that can be measured and commodified -“Time is money”- to an experience of oneness with the natural rhythms of nature and the universe. It is here that the writer discovers that time is, in fact, art.

“Time is Art” is ultimately the story of an artist’s search for inspiration in a money-driven society that shuns creativity, and of the human search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world. Presented as a cinematic meditation along the lines of Waking Life and Samsara, this film takes an experimental approach that allows us to experience reality as Jennifer begins to see it – one less concerned with linear storytelling, and more open to the cyclical patterns of nature, the hidden meanings of symbols, and the dreamlike overlapping of people, places, and moments.

Compelling conversations with fellow seekers Toko-Pa Turner, Richard Tarnas, Amy Lansky, Graham Hancock, Daniel Pinchbeck and Rupert Sheldrake as well as artists and activists guide us through the underlying premise of the film: perhaps we can tap into a way of being that is not ruled by a finite sense of time, but rather by the ability to live in harmony with the true creative nature of our existence.
Inspired by acclaimed & visionary author José Argüelles’ studies in ancient indigenous wisdom, this film explores the idea that modern humanity is immersed in an erroneous and artificial perception of time that deviates from the natural order of the universe. We have become disconnected from the natural rhythms of the earth by focusing only on money, consumerism and exploitation while deep down inside, we crave the return to a foundation of culture, community, and creation.
As Jennifer navigates the labyrinth of her own light and darkness, she opens herself to a new reality in which everyone and everything appear connected by a larger purpose. She is revealed to be part of a global movement of people challenging a linear and restrictive consciousness in exchange for one grounded in meaningful connection and action – a template for a new era where we are one with the earth and each other.

BLOOM VICTORIA is one of 30 bioregional chapters of the Bloom Network. Our mission is to accelerate the spread of regenerative culture. Our vision is a world where people can easily share their passions and resources, resolve conflict, and live creatively in balance with nature. We were previously known as Evolver.




-Early Bird: $10 – *must* be purchased in advance via PayPal or e-transfer to bloomvictoriabc@gmail.com by 11:11 am on Weds., Sept. 21st!

-At the door: sliding scale $15-20 – or pay what you can if you are low income

Tetlas accepted. What’s that? www.tetla.org

Volunteer roles are filled. Thank you!

~On Unceded Coast Salish Territories~

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